Brout-Englert-Lemaître CENTER

The Center is managed by the Board of Administrators,
with advice from the Scientific Committee

Board of Administrators

The Board is constituted by 2 delegates from each member of the non-profit association
(currently, the 4 founding universities UCLouvain, VUBrussels, KULeuven, ULBruxelles)
and at least one of each university's  delegates must be a physicist in the field of fundamental interactions.

Prof. Jean-Marie Frère, ULB
Prof. Fabio Maltoni, UCLouvain
Prof. Piet Van Duppen, KULeuven
Prof. Ben Craps, VUB

Prof. Gerard Govers (vice-Recteur, KULeuven)
Prof. Michel Devillers (vice-Recteur, UCLouvain)
Prof. Alexandre Sevrin (VUB)
Daniele Carati , ULB

International Scientific Committee

Composed of 8 scientists , chosen to span (as much of possible) the various aspects of the field.

Prof. Antoine Van Proeyen, (KULeuven)

other Belgian members
Prof. Céline Degrande (UCLouvain)
Prof. Alerto Mariotti (VUB)
Prof. Thomas Hertog (KULeuven)
Prof. Glenn Barnich (ULB)

International members
Prof Alice Bernamonti (infn, Italy)
Prof. Christophe Grojean (DESY, Germany)
Prof. M. Belen Gavela (Autonoma, Madrid)